But why would she raise $1 million for @shrinershosp @WFLA pic.twitter.com/VhXFotO7HX — Paul Michael Mueller (@WFLAPaulM) December 16, 2015 Leigh Dittman suffers a condition that…
Susanqi Jiang's Colorful Way of Helping Underprivileged Youths
As a kindergarten student, it only took a box of crayons to make a big difference in Susanqi Jiang’s life. It helped her acclimate to…
Teens Serve as Pallbearers at Homeless Vet Funerals
Their bodies had gone unclaimed at the county morgue, these veterans from the Army, Air Force and Marines, who died homeless and forgotten after their…
Brian Juarez of Watts Strives to Be the Tutor He Never Had
LLW 505 Seg 1 Brian Juarez can do it all! The 16-year-old Watts, California, Boys and Girls Club volunteer enjoys giving back so much that…
Girl Wins $70,000 Car in Raffle and Donates It Right Back
One minute Erin Byrnes had won a brand-new Chevrolet Tahoe worth $70,000. The next, it was gone — exactly as she had planned. It all happened…
Teen Cancer Survivor Sells Yellow Shoelaces to Help Other Young Patients
As a 10-year-old, Molly Norris of Ohio was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma—a type of blood cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Now 15, Norris is…