Seeking to be judged by her character and not her appearance, Saige Hatch formed the Modesty Club at her high school and now, after branching out online, has…

Seeking to be judged by her character and not her appearance, Saige Hatch formed the Modesty Club at her high school and now, after branching out online, has 1,500 members. The club attracted a lot of publicity and some controversy for its rules requiring girls to cover up cleavage, shoulders and the midriff and to not wear short skirts.”There’s a couple of people laughing and pointing, and I was just like: whatever,” Saige says. “I just feel like we don’t need to judge people on what they wear but their hearts and how they are that’s inside.” She was inspired by her brother’s No Cussing Club, which also brought some controversy. “I just know that my body is a gift from God and I feel really strongly that I need to keep my body covered so, I guess, that boys don’t look at me in the wrong way,” she says, “and that I could be loved for my personality and not my body and just respected for who I am.”